ELB Target이 전부 unhealthy할 경우 traffic 전달됨.
- 개요 ELB Target이 전부 unhealthy할 경우 traffic 전달됨. - 관련 문서 If a target group contains only unhealthy registered targets, the load balancer routes requests to all those targets, regardless of their health status. This means that if all targets fail health checks at the same time in all enabled Availability Zones, the load balancer fails open. The effect of the fail-open is to allow traffic to all tar..
2022.12.09 -
RDS Snapshot을 통해 restore를 할 경우 multi-az 변경 불가
- 개요 snapshot을 통해 restore 할 경우 multi-az deployment type을 multi >> single은 가능 하지만 single >> multi는 불가능하다