

AWS ec2 s3 bash CLI Security CloudFront aws cli ecs error for ELB Iam script linux list Cost Optimization RDS Region yum vpc ubuntu ECR cloudtrail codepipeline route53 graylog systemctl docker Lambda ffmpeg json Volume Console Ebs Delete cross region us-east-1 awslogs codebuild alb CentOS 8 Fargate docker ce k8s cloudwatch wsl OpenSearch mfa XFS Billing Slack DNF NLB alert CHECK log Query If ssh Service 티스토리챌린지 오블완 CloudWatch Logs global service cost allocation tags New Console aws account cloudwatch loggroup ChatGPT target group amazon linux2 accesslog rate limit Saving Plan unhealthy public access rhel8 mysql client chrony docker hub codedeploy aws rds access key rsyslog excute multi-az elasticsearch bitbucket eks messages sysstat Flooding secret key subnet cURL 403 ext4 Tagging pacman .bashrc aurora ip address centOS Functions jdk tunneling Athena Runtime default snapshot OGG AZ Repository text Mount data IPv6 SSL monitoring Spa Cluster Ami PowerShell format cp Cost root cat Version WAF Update df mp3 database tag image password dns Windows RPM could be both a local file and a tracking branch gov-ncloud cloud db for postgresql 데이터베이스 생성 하는 방법 postgresql dump & restore psql --version sudo dnf remove postgresql rocky linux 8에 postgresql client 설치 및 삭제 방법 show create table show create database mysql restore restore 관련 필요한 명령어 aws) object storage object url (ncloud ncloud 오브젝트 파일 주소 s3 파일 주소 virtual host-style path-style 오브젝트 스토리지 오브젝트 주소 object storage object url 쿼리1 >> 10초 이상 rds slow query aws cloudwatch logs insights query aws-management-console-simultaneous-sign-in-multiple-accounts multi-session-support switching session multi account on aws web console multi session aws web console account 다중 로그인 telepresence를 이용한 터널링 방법 traffic manager vpc tunneling connect vpc internal client vpn alternative application >> refresh check interval reconciliation argocd autosync interval $kubernetes['host'].$kubernetes['namespace_name'] fluent bit output k8s metadata cloudwatch loggroup name namespace fluent bit output cloudwatch loggroup 설정 방법 s3 directory bucket s3 table bucket table) 새로운 타입의 bucket 출시 (directory failed to pull image docker hub image pull qps exceeded aws public ecr docker start failed to pull image "amazon/aws-cli": pull qps exceeded deployment status k8s(eks) deployment 상태 확인 스크립트 awslogs를 이용해서 cloudwatch logs를 시간대 별로 쿼리하는 방법 스토리지 최적화 상태 storagae-optimization rds status가 "storage-optimization"일 경우 terraform을 잘 쓰기 위한 package terraform docs terraform validate terraform ftm tfsec tflint docker program docker desktop alternative docker desktop 대안 k8s worker node 분석 eks worker node visualization tool eks worker node analysis eks node viewer eks node 분석 툴 (eks node viewer) eks 1.24 k8s worker node runtime 확인하는 방법 describe-addon-versions eks cluster add-on 버전 호환성 및 버전 확인 eks addon version compatibilities check k8s에 설치된 argocd 초기 비밀번호는 따로 지정하지 않으면 임의로 생성 argo admin password argo 초기 비밀번호 k8s에 설치된 argocd 초기 비밀번호 확인하기 namespace 삭제 안될 경우 namespace 삭제 k8s namespace 삭제가 안될 경우 (terminating status) python example aws s3 presigned urls 생성 및 업로드 테스트 ec2 stopped 시간과 이름 출력 (aws cli) terraform 101 amazon ec2 종료 시간 확인 (cli) cli_paper aws cli pager options AWS CLI 페이저 옵션 끄기 days ago gdate mac에서 날짜 계산하기 IAM event slack noti AWS Cloudtrail IAM 관련 변경 이벤트 알림 slack AWS Cloudtrail EC2 보안 그룹 변경 알림(Security Group Event) disable X-Ray performance insight AWS RDS Performance Insights for performance_schema 보안인증제 발급현황 임시 자격 증명 Session token MFA 환경에서 AWS CLI 사용 하기 bash 스크립트 (숫자의 배수 출력 하기) 예상치 못한 과금 Oregon (us-west-2) AWS Global Accelerator는 Oregon (us-west-2)에서 생성 how-to-check-ip-usage-status ipv4 pricing Public IPv4 비용 과금 시작 (2024-02-01) 비용 최적화 VPC endpoint for dynamodb 사용 하기 amazon registar aws 인보이스 메일 Sudden invoice e-mail from AWS AWS Support verify account please contact AWS Support (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/) and include this error message. Your account must be verified before you can add new CloudFront resources. To verify your account creat user Aurora MySQL 8 Aurora MySQL8에서 database 생성 및 user 생성하는 간단한 쿼리 parameter groups Apply type Aurora MySQL 파라미터와 적용 시 리부팅 필요 여부 AWS를 처음 구성할 때 챙겨야 할 Quotas parallel query Aurora MySQL 8 파라미터 추천 NAT 환경에서 공인 아이피 확인 하는 방법 AWS ECS와 Fargate에서 EBS 사용 가능 Amazon EC2 IMDS AWS ALB에서 gRPC를 사용하여 SSL termination 하는 방법 disable tls document db Amazon DocumentDB TLS 비활성화 하기 IAM 제어 AWS billing 관련 정보 접근 제어 교차 계정에서 AWS ECR 제어 교차 계정에서 S3 object 복사 하기 AWS ALB 443 포트에 여러 개의 인증서 적용하기 AWS ALB using gRPC with SSL Termination AWS RDS Proxy max_connections AWS On Demand Capacity Reservations 가격 정책 AWS CLI 최신 버전 설치 또는 업데이트 하기 세금 설정 상속 켜기 라이브킷에서 API key and secrets 생성하는 방법 overlay disk 정리 docker system prune -af Error response from daemon: readlink /var/lib/docker/overlay2/l: invalid argument github forking 정책 제한 하기 AWS 보안그룹과 NetworkACLs 비교 AWS Security EBS Snapshots BPA(Block Public Access) script to update python runtime from 3.7 to 3.9 in lambda functions AWS Lambda runtime change script CodePipeline V2 northern virginia Lambda edge function Lambda edge list 확인 하는 방법 instance type aws infra aws global region https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure Elastic IPs IPv4 불필요한 과금 공지 – AWS Public IPv4 주소 요금 변경 및 Public IP Insights 기능 출시 연결 안된 Elastic IP확인과 과금 정책 region specific IAM User 리전별 제어 설정 방법 (IAM Permission boundary) IAM 엔터티의 권한 범위 Region Based IAM 관리 us-east-1 only Global Based AWS Service Region이 아닌 Global Based인 AWS 서비스 리전별로 사용 가능한 AWS 서비스 목록 리전별 AWS 서비스 AWS 기본 구성 개념 AWS_BASIC_CONPECT CloudWatch Metrics retention https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ec2-instance-choose-type-for-workload AWS EC2 선택 가이드 용도에 맞는 EC2 instance AWS EC2 instance type별 정리 https://aws.amazon.com/ko/ec2/instance-types/?nc1=h_ls aws cli cheat sheet AWS Tech Blog journey to Cloud AWS MSP AWS Database 선택 가이드 https://aws.amazon.com/ko/getting-started/decision-guides/databases-on-aws-how-to-choose/ Web Console Old Console Configuration which is not available in the new console CloudWatch Internet Monitor S3 Policy 에러 AWS Root User Tasks that require root user credentials |[0] aws cli output table aws cli output table as multi columns https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com jammy InRelease aws cli query filter How do I find the resource that currently owns an unknown IP address in my Amazon VPC? who own ip address AWS IP check vpc-find-owner-unknown-ip-addresses IAM policy for cloudfront invalidation Avoiding unexpected charges default disable delete protection bash time Cloudformation Stack ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx ECS-Console-V2-Cluster-xxxxxxxx sperate traffic AWS Basic Architecture internet facing lb internal lb AMI BPA(Block Public Access) 설정 multi az private public subnet NAT GW AWS_VPC_BestPractice_3_tier VPC 기본 설계 clova speech clova voice awsgeek 2023.09.06 AWS Global region map AWS Region Map AWS 초기 세팅 AWS 설계 기초 전략 - Account c6i r6i m6i c4 r4 m4 c5 r5 m5 EC2 인스턴스 최신 세대로 교체 하기 docker build deprecated DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. docker login warning WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. AWS root password 분실 시 대처 Resetting a lost or forgotten root user password chrome 브라우저 전체 화면 스크린샷 scrolled screenshot chrome browser full size capture 크롬 브라우저 전체 화면 캡쳐 taskdef.json female seoyeon Amazon Polly POC Amazon Transcribe delete backup recovery point User: arn:aws:iam:: is not authorized to perform: backup:DeleteRecoveryPoint on resource: arn:aws:backup:recovery-point: with an explicit deny in a resource-based policy automatic backup disable RDS tips for Application git switch linux cat summation 파일 안에 column 값을 다 더하기 3MB source artifact ecs to codedeploy Exception while trying to read the task definition artifact file from Amazon ECS Blue/Green deployment on Codepipeline aws-whats-new s3 filesystem mount bucket-name filesystem s3 mount-s3 rhel 9 sudo systemctl cat sysstat-collect.timer sudo systemctl edit --full sysstat-collect.timer systemctl 환경에서 sysstat interval 변경 rhel9 temporary file is empty override.conf error systemctl replace unit file Editing "/etc/systemd/system/<service>.d/override.conf" canceled: temporary file is empty. cluster status yellow yellow cluster status Amazon OpenSearch Yellow Cluster did not find expected '-' indicator ice candidate 에러 sturn "WARNING: error with ICE candidate: 600 Address not associated with the desired network interface." git tag 선택 가이드 root password reset temp directory root directory too many Sending build context to Docker daemon meta error key error graylog server opensearch 2 Graylog Server with Amazon OpenSearch 2.x ECR lifecycle policy 전체 repository 적용 key pair Cross region in IAM STS Account Settings IAM STS Cross region replication in Amazon ECR rollback on failures fail count deleting state ecs service deleting ecs fargate Deployment failure detection mariadb105 amazon linux 2023 ipinfo ip location buildx workernode increase to at least [262144]. max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Could not load library libcudnn_cnn_infer.so.8. Error: libcuda.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory AWS CloudTrail GRAVITON tagging resources csap service docker syslog udp graylog syslog udp nginx accesslog field type error reason=For input string: ""]]; reason=failed to parse field [] of type [] in document with id ''. Preview of field's value: '']]; nested: ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=mapper_parsing_exception rm -i Private DNS centos 9 CentOS 9 에서 sar cron 주기 변경 AWS 사용중에 Hacking 의심이나 외부 노출이 된 계정에 AWS에서 자동으로 policy를 할당해서 추가 피해를 맞고 고객 대응을 유발시키는 권한. AWSCompromisedKeyQuarantineV2 install ffmpeg on CentOS8 ffmpeg-devel rpmfusion terraform repositry error W: Failed to fetch https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/dists/jammy/InRelease The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com jammy InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the publi user home HISTFILESIZE HISTSIZE bash history 제한 없애기 AWS s3 ARN list AWS S3 arn 추출하기 billing console User-defined cost allocation tags delete ECS service event lookup-events AWS CloudTrail CLI example 2023년 1월 12일 cloudformation stack ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx propagateTags task definition enableECSManagedTags ecs tag propagation n character vi에서 character replace too large payload 6MB [ERROR] [1674721589583] LAMBDA_RUNTIME Failed to post handler success response. Http response code: 413. AWS EC2 Key pairs tagging sudo -i WSL ubuntu sudo keep env (WSL_DISTRO_NAME) WSL_DISTRO_NAME docker builder prune docker cache 삭제 AWS Ground Rules Install on GPU nvidia-docker2 docker gpu gpus nvidia-docker2 yum utils repolist Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist aws confure list transfer-domain-to-another-aws-account route53domains dns transfer transfer domain to another account slack webhook url lambdatoslack cwlogsslack app password GeekNews tech news project-name.jar src.jar table name _ table name 'VIEW' 'TABLE' 'SCHEMA' 'ROLE' 'OR' line 1:8: mismatched input 'EXTERNAL'. Expecting: 'MATERIALIZED' fail-open deregistration delay aws cli elbv2 cloudfront origin s3 website hosting url uncheck Block public access bucket poilcy cloudfront origin s3 Static website hosting enable gatsbyjs cloudwatch log group default port mirrorlist HTTP status code 400 Unable to update platform version on services with a CODE_DEPLOY deployment controller. Use AWS CodeDeploy to trigger a new deployment. AWS console desired count VPC ENDPOINT confiure last execution succeeded apt key apt list see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details. Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg) index list trust relationships output text log group internal domain dns not found test message console login lifecycle policy cloudwatch metric Cloudfront monitoring metric & reports ecs service multiple target group parse_datetime time range 공공클라우드 bucket-name.s3.region.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com/bucket-name cloudfront s3 redirect access denied centons updateinfo yum list-security buildspec Phase context status code: YAML_FILE_ERROR Message: Unknown runtime version named bucket policy Sign requests OAC orphaned /dev/stdout last event /etc/docker/daemon.json data-root AWS EBS over 80% aws cli v2 An error occurred (AuthFailure) when calling the DescribeInstances operation: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials 발행 시점 draining health check interval healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds Healthcheck upfront Warning: Permanently added to the list of known hosts. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? connecttimeout Rolling Update single-master No output location provided. An output location is required either through the Workgroup result configuration setting or as an API input. 20220815 코그니토 Identities Pool Managed Policy Cross-zone load balancing 삭제 방지 termination protection deletion protection ciphers Serverelss V2 allowed origins Origin Shield Right Sizing Saving Bundle GP3# Trusted Advisor lifecyclerules storagelens internet speed ssh_config DocumentDB aws backup Preflight Reserved Instance podman Zero Trust apt update appspec.yml OpenSSH key StrictHostKeyChecking Private Registry 가용영역 amazon eks cognito amazon linux 2 private subnet HTTP/3 Blue/Green invalidation lsblk HTTP/2 mysql 8 terraform destroy Permissions mongodump argocd 256KB GPG Key git restore bastion host AWS CloudFront full-path session-slice growfs tls1.3 bootJar AWS ECS Amazon ECS parameter group signIn QUIC docker compose Speech to Text centos8 kubectl Terraform Blue Green Deployment credentials CI/CD google login nginx.conf cloudformation AWS Global Accelerator AWS Lambda mysql cli bash shell script Cuda Toolkit pairs dockerfile ARN apt upgrade pre-commit retention circuit breaker vm.max_map_count multi region yaml docker-compose get-childitem Origin Access git init systemd CRR DNS64 roboMongo kubernetes build.gradle dhclient dynamodb WebRTC Not Working NVMe blkid DBeaver coreutils git checkout CORS 도메인 갱신 OpenJDK 위치 확인 error page enable Gradle mariadb ON/OFF COMPLIANCE migrate security group EPEL OAI apt-get update Puttygen sudoers psql 아이피 주소 확인 Abusing Corretto alternatives sysctl UNLIMIT devops resources Access denied Summation NaCl subscribe git clone Best Practice Zsh 보안 강화 Payload Scripts MINIMUM mongoDB public key GP2 bucket Extract sha2 repeat async 3478 indent ignore NGINX allow northern Vault SEQ 5의 배수 3의 배수 Text To Speech Telepresence 413 Multi column Logs Accesskey Kinesis duration Multipart modify Life Cycle Uploads STT packages Error Log Access Log extend Optimization sudo Health Check checklist behavior private key Exposed fstab Attributes Invoice metadata IP 확인 dummy CIDR Atlassian AWK description MonGo Alias 3Tier Unlock quiet Replication benchmark routing table TTS mysql dump account reports HOST disable 404 jar pricing Mapping maven 15개월 chrome Clone OFFICIAL ri timeout ACL deploy sar Git proxy support MSP 선불 schema quota cron pip UDP Fail create table create database Restore CUDA graph Information KISA Else Convert edit login 들여쓰기 attribute 음성인식 erase NAT upgrade Sync status csv Atlas IPv4 management mysqldump Administrator SRT echo Domain Dump local Checkout LEGACY POC Command real-time Study PostgreSQL Import deployment cache Virginia nitro install Dig Mirror 확장 Target logging array Edge static REQUEST Resource User rename character Online dashboard Branch Polly TCP client TG remove Xen package Only Policy Amazon Push case Python Firefox Turn RM 환율 APT Launched SG Role 30 NC Force TIME STAGE Blue AMD performance access MAC 반복 output Good 앞에서 Monitor Green Shell Filter Change admin KOREAN Date Line Do 1편 뒤에서 All Master Rule Dynamic screenshot ask 지우기 replace grep find TEST index nslookup kernel 실행 REDIRECT table event java feed resize REFRESH blog traffic RSS 삭제 Process 300 관리 MySQL 테스트 no vim html Application string Stack Incomplete PUB