DevOps & Cloud Engineering(222)
CentOS 8에 ffmpeg 설치
- 개요 ffmpeg은 관련 의존성이 많아서 설치하는 방법이 까다롭다 - 설치 방법 sudo dnf -y install sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools sudo dnf install -y sudo dnf install -y sudo dnf install -y
2023.02.08 -
apt-get update : ubuntu gpg public key error ( jammy InRelease)
- 에러 메세지 # apt-get update .............. .............. W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: jammy InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY xxxxxxxxxxxxxx W: Failed to fetch https://apt.release..
2023.02.02 -
bash history 제한 없애기 (ChatGPT)
- 개요 (기본적으로 제한되어 있음) cat /root/.bashrc | grep -E 'HISTSIZE|HISTFILESIZE' # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) HISTSIZE=1000 HISTFILESIZE=2000 - 제한 없애기 .bashrc에서 아래와 같이 변경 HISTSIZE= HISTFILESIZE= - ChatGPT (O)
2023.01.31 -
AWS S3 bucket arn 추출하기
- 개요 ARN은 AWS resource의 고유 정보로 많은 CLI에서 유용하게 사용되나, S3 bucket ARN은 CLI를 통해 추출이 불가하다. - S3 bucket ARN 추출하는 법 aws s3 ls | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/^/arn:aws:s3:::/' - ChatGPT (X)
2023.01.31 -
User-defined cost allocation tags
- User-defined cost allocation tags 개인 생성한 Tag를 Cost allocation tags로 사용하기 - 방법 AWS Billing Console Cost allocation tags User-defined cost allocation tags에서 원하는 Tag 선택 (사전에 미리 생성해놔야함) Activate - 참고 tag active되는데 최대 24시간 소요 active 된 이후 비용부터 확인 가능 - reference
2023.01.30 -
AWS CloudTrail CLI example(delete ECS service event)
- CLI aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=,AttributeValue= - attribute AccessKeyId EventId EventName EventSource ReadOnly ResourceName ResourceType Username - delete ECS service event (example) aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=DeleteService --query Events[].Resources[].ResourceName - reference
2023.01.30 -
Cloudformation Stack ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx ECS-Console-V2-Cluster-xxxxxxxx
- 개요 AWS console에서 ECS관련 리소스 생성할 경우 cloudformation에 동일한 stack이 생성된다. ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx ECS-Console-V2-TaskDefinition-xxxxxxxx - Document AWS CloudFormation stacks The following behavior applies to task definitions created in the new console before January 12, 2023. When you create a task definition, the Amazon ECS console automatically creates a CloudFormation stack that has a name..
2023.01.27 -
vi에서 character replace
- 전체 라인의 앞 4 character remove :%s/^....//g - 전체 라인의 뒤 4 character remove :%s/....$//g
2023.01.27 -
lambda 413 error
- 상황 lambda 실행 - 에러 [ERROR] [1674721589583] LAMBDA_RUNTIME Failed to post handler success response. Http response code: 413. - 원인 too large payload 6 MB each for request and response (synchronous) 256 KB (asynchronous) - reference
2023.01.27 -
AWS EC2 Key pairs tagging
- 방법1 dummy로 key pair생성하면서 tag를 생성하여 해당 tag key 사용 - 방법2 Actions에서 Manage tags